Antonello Della Pia (8)

| A residual charge indicator provides a useful visual indication of battery charge status. Here, you can build one using just a simple “tiny”...

| The goal of this project was not simply to connect a mouse to an MCU, but to create a sort of generic interface that could directly replace...

| This secure, AVR microcontroller-based Combination Access Switch allows you to control electrical loads or other circuits by entering a (sec...

| Many motorists have used a parking disk. This project presents a digital version based on an e-Paper display. The design has special feature...

| With this circuit featuring a single ATtiny85 microcontroller, you can simultaneously obtain three square waves of different, user-defined f...

| Need to turn on a device by placing an object on a surface? This low-power IR switch can do the trick.

| Here is another neat solution sure to make the life of any electronics enthusiast that much easier.

| Playing quizzes in a rowdy pub or in a classroom full of hollering youths requires a system that’s fast, reliable and wire-free. It should a...