More in Automotive (176)

| After two years of streaming information-packed online presentations, Elektor Academy is delighted to have reached its twentieth webinar! Wo...

| Beginning in our July/August double sized edition of Elektor, we published the first of our three part project on building an electrocardios...

| Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) may one day replace the silicon we use for semiconductors. Although it is roughly 15 years since the first CNT transi...

| Icon Labs has released what it claims to be the industry’s first software firewall that protects home automation devices from Internet-based...

| Texas Instruments has launched the first lead-acid battery management IC featuring a proprietary “Impedance Track” capacity measurement tech...

| Imec recently demonstrated a low-power intracardiac chip designed to detect ventricular fibrillation. Billed as a major step toward next-gen...

| Starting in 2013, all Elektor members will receive a green or gold-colored credit card-sized membership card. Gold Card members already rece...

| With everybody constantly on their phones, the emergence of the Internet of Things and augmented reality, ubiquitous computing does not seem...

| Should lethal autonomous robots be stopped from ever coming into existence? That is the question treated in a report published by the Human...

| MIT researchers have designed a new type of pencil lead in which graphite is replaced with a compressed powder of carbon nanotubes. The lead...