More about filter (161)

| Elsewhere in this collection of small circuits a 1-dB version of a third-order Chebyshev filter can be found. This 3-dB version is a bit ste...

| Add two op-amps to a Wien-Robinson bridge and we can construct a notch filter whose centre frequency can be set using a single resistor. Thi...

| In communications receivers and microphone amplifiers for transmitting equipment, there is frequently a need for a narrow, low-frequency ban...

| Low-pass LC-filters in the audio frequency range require huge ferrite-cored inductors. Active filters are also tricky to construct because o...

| In spite of CDs and digital audio signal processing, there are still people who are devoted to the vinyl phonograph record. And they enjoy t...

| A bandpass filter is usually used to pass frequencies within a certain frequency range. If a high-performance opamp is used, such a filter c...

| This circuit is based on the configuration of a fifth-order Butterworth filter using only one opamp (see p 116 of the 1995 Summer Circuits i...

| AUDIO HI-FI audio DAC 2000 Part 2 digital filter and DACs Last month'??s Part 1 of this article dealt primar INTRODUCTION It is clear from t...

| When considering the design of a filter, one is inclined to think of a combination of inductors, resistors, and capacitors, perhaps in ass...

| Many radio amateurs will not fail to recall the chaotic situations that may occur during fielddays or contests, when several radios have t...