By Clemens Valens (Elektor.Labs)
Lego™ has never been more popular, it was even elected 2015’s World’s Most Powerful Brand. Though not a brand, LEDs (light emitting diodes) enjoy similar popularity. It made us wonder what happens when you cross Lego with LEDs? The World’s Most Popular Lego brick? (is everything that starts with “LE” highly successful?) We decided to give it a try.
Lego compatible LEDs have been around for a number of years, but they are costly. Admittedly, those dedicated LEDs integrate better with Lego than our little PCB, but they are hard to customize. The elektorized version by contrast is adaptability itself, electronically, see the humble schematic in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. Although the schematic indicates two LEDs in parallel, only one should be fitted. The parts labeled LED1, LED2 actually represent different LED footprints on the circuit board.
Lego is a trademark of the Lego Group.