Looking for a desktop CNC machine for your workspace? Check out the Anet 4540 CNC Router, which comes with all tools you need to start creating. 

The Anet 4540 CNC Router

If you want to start with a CNC machine or want to upgrade your existing setup to get more usable milling space, the Anet 4540 may be a product to look at. We had CNC machines featured in the past that did not make it to market due to high prices – even back then.

The Anet 4540 CNC machine will allow you to use 430 × 390 × 90 mm of working area for your project. From the area you can use, this is more than an A4 or Letter sheet of paper. This gives plenty of room for your creations. With the ability to move all three axes (X, Y, and Z) this will allow not only engraving of materials, but also for generating 3D objects.

Let’s have a look at the technical specifications for the machine:
Working area: 430 × 390 × 90 mm (16.93 × 15.39 × 3.54)
Power supply: 48 V / 10.4 A
Stepping motor: 42 × 48 mm
Limit switch: X, Y, Z (both ends)
Emergency stop switch: Yes
Power of spindle motor:  500 W
Speed of spindle motor: 11,000 rpm
Offline controller: Yes
Software: GRBLcontrol (Candle), other GRBL-compatible Software
System: Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 10
Supported add-ons: Laser (not included)
Dimensions: 650 × 532 × 320 mm (25.59 × 20.94 × 12.60)
Weight: 11.6 kg (25.6 lb.)


The Anet 4540 CNC machine clearly can’t deny that it has some of its construction ideas originating from the 3D-printing world. And as we know, Anet has long been in the 3D printing business. Some weak spots exhibited by cheaper machines have been addressed. The base of the machine is already preassembled and has mounting holes for fixing your materials using the included clamps. The mounting for the spindle motor is solid this time, and avoids any unwanted movement of the motor as far as possible. 
Improved mounting.

The rest of the machine uses aluminum profiles you also find on 3D printers to assemble the frame and parts of the portal. Drag chains within the construction help to keep your wiring flexible. Movement of Y- and X-axes is done using belts. This allows for a simple construction and later on, if needed, quick replacement or adjustment. The wiring and drag chains are preassembled and make it simple to set up the wiring. The power supply and control unit are also preassembled, so you just need to connect the prepared cables to them.
Power supply and control unit.


The machine comes as a preassembled kit, but needs the user to finish the build off. For this, all required tools are included in the kit, but we highly recommend also having your own tools at hand for some additional comfort while constructing the machine. A good option here is the Elektor Workbench Tool Set, which will certainly improve the assembly experience. Also, start off relaxed, take your time, and don’t try rushing the build within two hours. Having to disassemble half of the machine because you overlooked something in the manual is an annoying experience we had, and we wouldn’t recommend it!
Elektor Workbench Tool Set.

For the assembly itself, you need space and time. Prepare all of the parts on your desk and check if everything you need is at hand.


Small Hints

When starting the assembly, pay attention to the machine’s orientation, as the manual assumes you’ll need to tune it at some points during the build. It is annoying if you need to disassemble some parts because you may have overlooked that the manual assumed a 180° turn at some point.

When you’re done, you will have a machine on your desktop that looks like the below.
The assembled Anet 4540 Desktop CNC Router.

As you may have noticed, not only is the machine itself included, but also a set of tools to help you get started. First, you have a set of cutters in the box to use with the machine, as well as all the clamps required to fix your working piece within the machine. Before you start milling items, a calibration is needed, so follow the manual carefully. Keep in mind that this is not a 3D printer, and you are dealing with a fast-spinning cutter.

You can cut or engrave wood, MDF, metal, plastic, acrylic, and other materials with the machine. 

Software and Controls

After the assembly and calibration, you have the option to use a wired remote control or to connect the machine to a computer. The wired remote will be connected with a ribbon cable to the CNC router to allow for basic controls as well as for printing your GBRL files directly from the integrated SD card slot.
The included basic wired remote control connects via ribbon cable.

With this, you have basic controls for milling jobs and the machine. If you want some additional convenience, the Anet 4540 CNC router also includes grblControl software to connect your PC to the machine and send command and jobs directly from your desktop over USB.
CNC machine control software.

The grblControl  application on your computer allows you to mill your GRBL files with the machine. The installation that comes with the Anet 4540 will include the required configuration parameters for the machine, so you only need to load the appropriate files for it.

Where to Get It

The current price for the machine is higher than the usual el cheapo ones you can find from various places, but you end up getting an improved starting point with a lot of space for your own creativity. Sure, this one will not keep up with machines that are around 3000 to 4000 euro, but that is to be expected. This one is intended as a higher-quality entry-level machine that can sit on a desk and serve its purpose. Elektor currently has this machine in stock, and, if you keep an eye out, you may even be able to get a discount as an Elektor member. If you want one, check out the Elektor Store while stocks last. If you have already one or do get one, let us know what you think about this machine in the comments below.