Elektor is pleased to welcome Espressif as its 2023 guest editor. Over the course of a few months, Elektor will closely collaborate with Espressif's engineers and leaders to produce a unique edition of Elektor mag, which Elektor will send to members and newsstands in December 2023. 

The Espressif guest-edited magazine project marks the third time Elektor has collaborated with a well-known industry partner to publish a guest-edited edition of Elektor Mag. In 2021, Elektor worked with SparkFun Electronics on a complete edition. Last year, Elektor proudly welcomed Arduino as a guest editor.

"After the success of both the SparkFun (in 2021) and Arduino (in 2022) guest-edited editions of Elektor Mag, we are thrilled to welcome Espressif as our Guest Editor in 2023," said C. J. Abate, Elektor's Content and Lab Director. "With the EPS8266, the ESP32, and more, Espressif has consistently delivered cutting-edge solutions to the world's most creative electronics innovators. Espressif tools and resources in the hands of Elektor members is sure to result in exciting new electronics projects and applications." 
The 2023 collaboration offers Espressif a unique opportunity to showcase its company products, its products, and its engineering expertise to a global community of eager professional engineers, makers, and students. Together, we will present creative DIY electronics projects relating to artificial intelligence, the IoT, and more. Community members can look forward to in-depth articles, expert interviews, and exciting project showcases that reflect both's commitment to empowering innovation.

"Unlocking Innovation Through Collaboration: We are honored to join forces with Elektor as their 2023 Guest Editor. Together, we will showcase our cutting-edge solutions, products, and engineering expertise to a global community of passionate engineers, makers, and students," said Amey Inamdar, Technical Marketing Director at Espressif. "This collaboration will push creativity, foster innovative projects, and empower the world with exciting DIY electronics projects in the realms of embedded systems, IoT, and beyond." 

In addition to a guest-edited Magazine that will be published in December 2023, Elektor and Espressif will collaborate on a webinar and videos. More information and details will be posted in the coming weeks at ElektorMagazine.com. 

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