Würth transmitter module, receiver, and LED module
Interested in wireless power technology? In the July 9, 2020 webinar, “Wireless Power Transfer: Advanced Coil Knowledge,” you will learn about the basic operation of a wireless power system.

Alex Snijder, Field Application Engineer at Würth Elektronik, will do a deep dive on coil selection and look at the impact of several technical specifications on system performance. Following Snijder’s presentation, Clemens Valens (Technical Manager, Elektor Labs) will lead a discussion about wireless power, and audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions. After watching the webinar, you will understand how a wireless power system works, and you will be able to correctly choose coils for your application.

Time and Date
  • July 9, 2020 at 14.00 CET
  • Language: English

The Speakers: Wireless Power Transfer

Alex Snijder (Würth)
Since successfully completing his electronics education in 2001, Alex Snijder has been active in the electronic design industry. He has held several technical positions. In 2011, Snijder started in his current role as a Field Application Engineer at Würth Elektronik, where he is responsible for all passive and active components. In his daily work, he supports customers during the component selection process. Visit the Würth Elektronik website to learn about the company's wide range of products, including electronic and electromechanical components, circuit boards, and intelligent power and control systems.
Clemens Valens (Elektor)

Clemens Valens is the Technical Manager of Elektor Labs. He holds a BSc in Electronics and an MSc in Electronics and Information Technology. Valens started working for Elektor in 2008 as editor in chief of Elektor France, and he has also worked as an editor for Elektor UK/US and ElektorMagazine.com. He currently produces engineering tutorials and product reviews at Elektor.tv. In recent videos, Clemens covered the following topics and more: Arduino compiler optimizations, GitHub essentials, home automation, getting started with KiCad EDA, and several informative product reviews. 

Register to Learn About Wireless Power Transfer

Don't miss this informative webinar about Wireless Power Transfer. Register now and start thinking about questions that you would like to pitch the presenters. 

Elektor Helps 

Elektor presents the free webinar, "Wireless Power Transfer," as part of the Elektor Helps initiative. The COVID-19-related crisis has affected us all in different ways. Under the label of "Elektor Helps," we are supporting members of the electronics community with free content and educational opportunities. Learn more