Best of the BAY-ern — news from Our Men in Munich 

++<START>++ Here we are at the end of March, spring has arrived, and the summer is right around the corner! Flowers are blooming and technology is booming. It’s been a busy month for techies in Bavaria and we’re back again to update you with the latest developments, events and interesting news from ‘BAY-ern’. Enjoy the sunshine with the crispy news below! ++<STOP>++  

+<START>++ Best of  BAY-ernBMW, leaps to the San Francisco BAY area joining forces with Daimler aiming to reach level 4 automation. BMW continues the endeavour at the autonomous driving campus in Unterschleissheim, Munich, whereas Daimler is to test the first pilot this year in San Jose, Silicon Valley. ++<STOPP>++  
Image: Elektorian Mathias Claußen meets with
Ian Hubbertz (centre) and
Michael Mosburger (left) and conveys wishes 
& gifts
++<START>++ A big thank you to all the attendees for having us interview you at Embedded world 2020, hope you had a lot of fun! It was spectacular to see Bavarian start-ups and experienced players displaying innovation, creativity, and immense enthusiasm at the event. Special thanks to the ElektorLabs team for their tireless effort to make the event a success. ++<STOPP>++

++<START>++ Welcome back FabLabs and heartiest congratulations to you!  Mathias from Elektor made an inaugural visit to the new location, bringing gifts from Elektor. We appreciate the workshops and the 'OpenLab' initiative by FabLabs to encourage makers. ++<STOP>++ 

++<START>++ A Loud call to all the entrepreneurial minds out there! Meet, share and innovate with Elektor. Already got a startup ready to compete? Let’s see what you got at productronica Fast Forward! ++<STOP>++ 
Image: Busy times at Make Munich

 ++<START>++ From young kids to the senior & experienced, the DIY fest – ‘Make Munich’ unfolded as a paradise for makers. Workshops, talks, hebocon robofight, retro-electronics and much more filled the event with fun, knowledge and rekindled the DIY spirit in Munich. ++<STOPP>++    

++<START>++ The 3rd International VDI conference- Autonomous trucks is in town (Munich) this year. Apart from just automation, the conference will also focus on making the processes more efficient with applications in the Logistics value chain. The involvement of innovative startups is also expected to find potential solutions. ++<STOP>++    

++<START>++ That's it for the Best of the BAY-ern, stay up to date and connect with us on  LinkedInFacebook,  Instagram,  Twitter, and YouTube. If you too wish to contribute to "Best of the BAY-ern", ping us! ++<STOP>++