Have you ever wished you could just print your own PCBs rather than wait for a shipment from a PCB manufacturer? Of course, you have! But you’ve probably said to yourself: "That's got to be way too difficult to tackle from my workbench." Hey, think positive! We promise: with the right tools like a Voltera V-One and some smart planning, DIY PCB printing is in your future! We are here to help.

PBC Printing Made Simple with the Voltera V-One

Elektor wants you to be able to tackle PCB printing right from your workspace. To help you out, we shipped a Voltera V-One PCB Printer to our friend GreatScott!, a clever engineer with whom we've worked on a product (DIY LiPo Supercharger Kit) and videos in the past. He quickly put the Voltera to work by printing one of his older PCB projects. Of course, he recorded his experience with the printer and then made a helpful video about it. Check it out! 

Gerber Files In, PCBs Out

DIY PCB printing is a reality. In fact, you can create two-layer prototype circuit boards right at your workbench. Simply load your Gerber files to the Voltera V-One and you're on your way. Talk about a useful addition to your home electronics workspace!
Click here to download the Voltera V-One spec sheet!
The following helpful information, and much more, is posted on the Voltera V-One Elektor Store webpage dedicated to the printer. Voltera V-One essentials:
  • Accepts your Gerber files
  • No lead time for circuits
  • Built-in reflow platform
  • Stand-alone solder paste dispensing
  • 8 mil trace/space
  • 0402 min. pad size

Elektor writes: "The dispenser lays down a silver-based conductive ink to print your circuit right before your eyes. Assembling traditional and additive boards is easy with the V-One’s solder paste dispensing and reflow features. Simply mount your board on the print bed and import your Gerber file into Voltera’s software."
Voltera V-One PCB printer dispenser
You can load Gerber files from any of the following programs: Autodesk EAGLE, Cadence Allegro PCB Designer, DipTrace, KiCad, or OrCAD. Or you can use another software program that exports .gbr files. Also note that dev templates available for the Arduino (Uno, Mega), Raspberry Pi B+, and the Particle Photon, Particle Argon, Particle Xenon, and Particle Boron, and Adafruit Featherwings.

Share Your Projects

Whenever you print new PCBs and construct new projects, be sure to let the Elektor community know! You can freely post your projects and collaborate with Elektor engineers and other community members via an Elektor Labs account. Good luck! 

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