Curious how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the electronics industry? Want to learn about helpful products and "social impact" initiatives that are likely to improve the industry and society? Interested in information about how tech companies are navigating the crisis? You can now access the webinar replay, “Electronics in Challenging Times.” 

During the informative webinar, Elektor Labs's Technical Manager Clemens Valens leads a thoughtful discussion about these topics with Markus Strecker (CEO/Founder, Teiimo), Stuart Cording (journalist, "Industry and Community Respond to Coronavirus," Elektor Industry, July 2020), Doug Brown (Sr. Marketing Manager and Product Evangelist, Honeywell Operational Intelligence), and Jonas P. Proeger (Director, Business Management, Trinamic). 

Webinar Replay

During the COVID-19 crisis, several high-tech companies and many electrical engineers have delivered innovative technical solutions to a wide variety of problems. After watching the webinar, consider sharing details about your projects and initiatives via the Elektor Labs platform.

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Visit the Elektor Webinars page to browse our previous webinars on topics such as wireless power transfer, new sensor tech, 5G, and cellular IoT development. We also provide details about upcoming webinars.