Article (448)

| The hardware radio’s been on-board the whole time, and now the Raspberry Pi Pico W has Bluetooth software support.

| Need a remote control for a project? Sure, you can score a cheap one on the Internet and have it delivered to your door in a day. But why bu...

| This episode of Elektor Lab Talk featured the co-founder of Arduino, David Cuartielles who shared his insights on the latest in Arduino tech...

| Technology companies have a lot of money and there is a growing interest in giving it away.

| Whether it’s necessary or just cool, sometimes you want to go down to the nuts and bolts, or, in microcontroller parlance, the “bare metal,”...

| The Home Appliance Hack-and-IoT Guidebook explains how home appliances work and how you can modify and reprogram them for your own needs. Th...

| Interested in using MicroPython with Arduino? Join Ardiuno and Elektor on March 9, 2023 (4 PM Berlin) for a free, in-depth webinar.

| Hardly any bus protocol is as widely used as the I²C bus protocol launched in the 1980s by Philips Semiconductor. However, the weaknesses of...

| Embedded software typically remains unchanged after the product it powers is launched. So how can you be sure that your code is bug-free? He...