New JTAG boundary scan demo kit supports hands-on training

Goepel Electronic has developed a new demonstration kit for the goJTAG initiative. The kit includes a PicoTAB boundary scan controller with USB 2.0 interface, accompanying software, and a demo board for practical tutorials. The goJTAG initiative is a joint project of a number of universities and Testonica Lab, with the aim of providing the electronics industry boundary scan tools and expertise based on an independent, non-commercial platform in order to accelerate the widespread use of standardized IEEE 1149 test methods.
The goJTAG package software includes simulation routines that reveal every bit movement along the scan chain with single-TCK precision. This allows users to step through tap states and observe the response of the circuit under test in a real time in an on-screen simulation. This is the first time such a detailed demonstration of the capabilities of JTAG boundary scan technology has been available.
The open-source goJTAG project is the first platform to provide IEEE 1149.1 training software that can run in both simulation and online mode. The goJTAG demo kit supports several graphic displays at various levels. In online mode users can use the demo board software for their own projects with no restrictions. The Java source code is freely available and can be modified under the terms of the open-source software licence. Reference designs for the PicoTAP controller specifically developed for this project and the new demo board are also available for non-commercial use free of charge.
Image: goJTAG
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