Eric Bogers (270)

| Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly gaining terrain, but despite all the brute computing force, there are for some tasks in which the co...

| Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute and the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (both in Switzerland) have discovered a rem...

| When, in 1948/1949, George Orwell wrote his futuristic dystopia “1984”, they didn't exist yet: Alexa and company, the so-called smart speake...

| For the first time astronomers have succeeded in making an image of a black hole – and as predicted by theory, it is surrounded by a halo of...

| Researchers in the United States have built a Bluetooth chip that is extremely small and very low power. It would operate for 11 years (!) f...

| Erik Bakkers, professor of Advanced Nanomaterials & Devices at the TU Eindhoven, researches a new nano material. With this he hopes to be ab...

| Modern electronics in, for example, solar panels, camera sensors and medical imaging equipment often contains semiconductor material with a...

| On 18 February 2019 the European space organisation ESA reached an important milestone on the (long) road towards cheaper booster rockets: o...

| The administration of drugs in tablet or capsule form has continued pretty much the same for over a 100 years. This could, however, change q...

| Google has, with Coral, launched a new platform of hardware and software tools that lets you develop neural networks locally and without usi...