Eric Bogers (270)

| Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for printing metal circuits directly, which enables flexible...

| Spectrometry, the analysis of visible and invisible light has many applications. Every material and every structure has its own ‘fingerprint...

| In the present generation of automated cars the driver has to pay attention and has to intervene when necessary. From the doctoral thesis of...

| The Fraunhofer Project Center (on the campus of the University of Twente) will develop a special micro assembly machine for photonic chips....

| Researchers from the University of California (UCLA) have developed a device that can generate and store (electrical) energy from sunlight c...

| Researchers from the TU Delft have, with the aid of origami and 3D-printing, made planar structures that can fold themselves into three-dime...

| Engineers from the Rutgers University in New Jersey have developed an identification system that detects the vibrations in a finger in order...

| Already for more than 10 years, researchers from Harvard University have developed autonomous flying microrobots for use in, among other thi...

| Researchers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the University of Southern California (USC) are the first to successfu...

| Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a system that can deliver several watts of power and at the same time has su...