Hello, You are certainly familiar with Texar's sound processing, the Prism. They are difficult to find in Europe even on occasion. An American developer has created a clone version of this sound processor and offers it as a kit (PCBs, screen printed and drilled rack, ...). I invite you to contact her to make one. He can be reached at this email address: "ornerscorner71 at gmail dot com" and http://ortelligent.com/index.php?route=common/home

 You are certainly familiar with Texar's sound processing, the Prism.
 They are difficult to find in Europe even on occasion.
 An American developer has created a clone version of this sound processor and offers it as a kit (PCBs, screen printed and drilled rack, ...).
 I invite you to contact her to make one. He can be reached at this email address:
 "ornerscorner71 at gmail dot com"


A video : https://proaudiodesignforum.com/content/Texar_Audio_Prism_Clone_Demo_Flyboy71.mp4

The original unprocessed version

 The processed Texar Prism clone version: : https://proaudiodesignforum.com/content/%28Sting%29-Little_Wing_Compressed_Texar_Clone.wav