AVR Web Server
Low Cost – Low Power

Some nifty design work resulted in a small web server with some Ports that allowed the author to control and select analogue inputs. The original concept was improved by designing a host of hardware and software add-ons. Next came a PCB with ‘only’ two sides for a hook-up that linked it up to the Internet using an old NE2000-compatible Ethernet card.
Component list
R1,R2,R4 = 1k?8
R3, R10 = 10k
R5,R6,R7 = 3k?6
R8, R9, R11, R12 = 470
C1,C2 = 22pF, ceramic
C3-C10, C13 = 100nF foil dielectric, 5mm pitch
C11,C12 = 22µF 16V, tantalum
IC1* = ATmega32 or ATmega644, DIL 40
ATmega644, programmed, order code 060257-41 from Elektor SHOP
IC2 = MASX232
N1 = 7805
D1,D2 = 1N4148
D3 = 1N4001
LED1 = LED, green
LED1 = LED, red
Q1* = 14.7456MHz quartz crystal
S1 = 14-way boxheader
X1* = 2x31-way Slot (reichelt.de) or ISA Slot
X2 = 9-way sub-D socket, PCB mount
Prog = 10-way boxheader with 6-way (2x3) pinheader
SD* = 14-way DIL pinheader
40-way IC socket
16-way IC socket
PCB, ref 060257-1 from Elektor SHOP
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