The best of what’s around in sustainable rural electrification

A new report by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) – Best Practice of ARE: What Renewable Energy Can Achieve In Developing Countries – showcases the diverse actions the renewable energy industry is undertaking as a response to the particular conditions and energy needs of rural areas in developing nations.

The report is a comprehensive collection of best practice case-studies in the use of renewable energy for rural electrification across the globe. They cover a wide range of technologies, geographical locations, financial support mechanisms, and consumer-tariff schemes.

They prove that renewables can provide enough sustainable, reliable, clean electricity to support the creation of local business in large population areas, while also being able to reach the most dispersed rural communities. Examples include water pumping using solar energy to supply potable water to 653 communities across Nigeria and the installation of a PV-Wind hybrid power system for a village in Tibet.

Commenting of this new publication, Simon Rolland, ARE’s Secretariat General said: “These projects show the diversity and the potential of renewable energy solutions in developing countries. Reliable, cost effective and sustainable energy solutions exist and are being implemented every day worldwide. Access to energy is a prerequisite for development, not a result.”

To download the report, click here.