Why connect an obsolete 360KB floppy disk drive to a Raspberry Pi? "Because it is there", as George Mallory certainly would have said had he been into electronics and if he had a floppy drive lying around. Modern-day Mallory Dr. Scott M. Baker was in this situation and took on the challenge. In this video he shows how he went about.

WD37C65 Floppy Disk Subsystem Controller

Scott (smbaker) based his project on the Western Digital WD37C65 Floppy Disk Subsystem Controller, a chip that can interface with most popular floppy drives from the past. Besides this chip not much is needed to create a floppy drive interface hat for the Raspberry Pi, the rest is done in software.

The software was written in Python, of course, although the low-level interfacing makes use of a couple of functions written in C. The details for this project can be found on smbaker's website and in his GitHub repository.

You may want to browse his website a bit as there are other interesting things to be found that will certainly please those who are into (retro) computing.