Android apps support face and fingerprint biometrics

Biotech specialist Neurotechnology has launched embedded versions of their products for use in fingerprint and face biometric systems, including multi-biometric systems using face and fingerprints in combination. The embedded versions are designed for use in low-power, compact and/or mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, handheld computers and similar devices. They include the same algorithms as their PC-based counterparts.
VeriFinger Embedded and VeriLook Embedded can process fingerprint or face images in less than one second in a device with a 1 GHz or better processor. The first release of MegaMatcher Embedded product includes both fingerprint and face biometric algorithms; versions incorporating iris and voice biometrics are expected to be available in the near future.
VeriFinger Embedded supports a range of popular fingerprint scanners and readers. VeriLook Embedded can use the video cameras integrated into Android devices. MegaMatcher Embedded provides the same level of support for input devices as the single biometric versions. All three embedded products are designed for the Java development environment and support the Android operating system, version 2.2 or above. Support for ARM Linux and WinCE operating systems will be available in future versions.
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