New GSM/GPRS Projects book covers PIC and Arduino
May 01, 2017

Every mobile phone in the world has a GSM/GPRS modem which enables the phone to communicate with the world outside. These modems enable the phone to establish audio conversations, send and receive messages and connect to the Internet.
The new Elektor book GSM/GPRS Projects contains PIC and Arduino based projects that will enable you to control equipment remotely by sending SMS messages from your mobile phone to the microcontroller, send the ambient temperature readings from the microcontroller to a mobile phone as SMS (text) messages, use the GPRS commands to access the Internet from a microcontroller, send temperature readings to the cloud using UDP and TCP protocols and so on. The highly popular mid-performance PIC18F87J50 microcontroller is used in the PIC based projects together with a GSM Click board, and the SIM900 GSM/GPRS shield is used in the Arduino Uno projects.
So to learn how to do all of this, and more, or to just brush up your knowledge, get your copy today. And not only that, but if you are an Elektor GOLD or GREEN Member, for a limited time only we are offering a €5 discount — definitely not one to be missed!
Look inside this new book – browse the 28-page preview here.
The new Elektor book GSM/GPRS Projects contains PIC and Arduino based projects that will enable you to control equipment remotely by sending SMS messages from your mobile phone to the microcontroller, send the ambient temperature readings from the microcontroller to a mobile phone as SMS (text) messages, use the GPRS commands to access the Internet from a microcontroller, send temperature readings to the cloud using UDP and TCP protocols and so on. The highly popular mid-performance PIC18F87J50 microcontroller is used in the PIC based projects together with a GSM Click board, and the SIM900 GSM/GPRS shield is used in the Arduino Uno projects.
So to learn how to do all of this, and more, or to just brush up your knowledge, get your copy today. And not only that, but if you are an Elektor GOLD or GREEN Member, for a limited time only we are offering a €5 discount — definitely not one to be missed!
Look inside this new book – browse the 28-page preview here.
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