World’s First USB 3.0 Oscilloscope

The PicoScope 3207A is a 2 channel USB oscilloscope with 250 MHz bandwidth, 1 GS/s sampling rate, 256 MS buffer memory and a built-in function generator. Basic timebase accuracy is ±2 ppm. Other features include digital triggering for accurate, stable waveform display, and equivalent-time sampling, which boosts the effective sampling rate to 10 GS/s for repetitive signals. The instrument has 512 MS buffer memory and an additional 32k-sample arbitrary waveform generator with 100 MS/s update rate. As the scope obtains its power from the USB port, there is no need for an external power adaptor.
The oscilloscopes are supplied with the PicoScope software for Windows, which turns your computer into a powerful oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. The software includes many advanced features such as automatic measurements, serial decoding of RS 232/UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, LIN and FlexRay data, and mask limit testing, that are only available as expensive add-ons for most competing scopes. Software updates are free of charge.
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