More about GPS (77)

| With the OzzMaker Berry family of extension boards, electronics enthusiasts have an inexpensive platform at their disposal to expand the Ras...

| The Polaris 3G kit+ is the latest open-source GPS tracker unit from Fortebit. It replaces their OpenTracker GPS tracker unit which was prima...

| Today the speed on the roads is limited in all countries. I developed this device to avoid fines due to speed excess.

| Updates of and additions to projects published in ElektorLabs Magazine spiced up with tips & tricks, tech advice, and answers to reader's qu...

| When the nodes that make up a distributed system need to share a precise timebase, a time-server may be used. In this project the time-serve...

| Researchers at MIT are working on a new way for self-driving cars to navigate around unfamiliar areas by getting the control algorithm to mi...

| This is a mini-NTP based on a ESP32. Time will be provided from the GPS receiver and a DS3231 if no GPS-signal is avaliable, to server time...

| Clocks, clocks, everybody seems to be building clocks these days. However, and this is what makes clocks interesting, many of these designs...

| Following on from the American GPS, Russian GloNaSS and the European Galileo satellite positioning systems, the Chinese have now fired up th...

| Ultra-endurance cycling races with distances of several thousands of kilometres are becoming more and more popular. During such races cyclis...