More about New Materials (23)

by MC

| A group led by Hendrik Bolink of the Instituto de Ciència Molecular (ICMol) at the University of Valencia together with colleagues at the Éc...

by MC

| Researchers experimenting with the properties of Graphene have discovered that when the single-atom-thick sheet is exposed to extreme low te...

| A team of Columbia Engineering researchers, led by Mechanical Engineering Professor James Hone and Electrical Engineering Professor Kenneth...

| A report published in the journal Scientific indicates that a team of scientists at Vanderbilt University in the US have successfully fabric...

| According to researchers at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, graphene can increase the sensitivity of micro-ele...

| A team of researchers at Brown University (USA) has concluded that graphene, a material touted to replace silicon in future semiconductor de...

| Research on graphene-based sensors at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore has yielded a new type of image sensor able to...

| The same material that formed the first primitive transistors more than 60 years ago can be modified in a new way to advance future electron...

| A new ultra-thin, flexible oral sensor dubbed ‘tooth tattoo’ jointly developed by Princeton University and Tufts researchers monitors mouth...

| Researchers at Umea University (Sweden) have produced organic light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) using a roll-to-roll process under...