More about Synthesizer (48)

| In a recent press release Cypress Semiconductor are trumpeting their latest fourth-generation ultra-low-power 2.4 GHz WirelessUSB NX transce...

| Lime Microsystems have announced the introduction of their LMS7002M second-generation Field Programmable RF (FPRF) dual transceiver chip. Th...

| Adlink Technology has released the USB-2405 four-channel dynamic signal acquisition module, with a USB 2.0  interface and a built-in IEPE ex...

| Analog Devices has launched a new family of direct digital synthesizer (DDS) devices intended for wireless communication applications requir...

| A ‘monster synth’ may be defined as one so large the player is at risk of being crushed to death if it topples over. One specimen of the mon...

|         FORMANT is an analog monophonic synthesizer published in the 70’s from Elektor magazine. It has a modular structure that allows it t...

| [nodepicker==] is a PSoC based design for an analog music synth...

| First thoughts on the PSoCamorph, a PSoC3-based music synthesizerBy Kendall Castor-Perry 

| First thoughts on the PSoCamorph, a PSoC3-based music synthesizerBy Kendall Castor-Perry 

| When you’re playing a piece of music and you need a simple ‘backbeat’ this circuit will come to the rescue.The MIDI Step sequencer drives a...