Joseph J. Carr (26)

| Sensors are used to measure physical parameters by producing an output current or voltage signal that represents that parameter. For exam...

| The digital computer revolutionized electronic design to such an extent that today even relatively minor devices contain microprocessors. C...

| In Part 1 of this two-part article we looked at the subject of measurement variation, and determined that most processes naturally vary a...

| "Ever wondered how to weigh a bull?" John's question took me by surprise. When he's not being an electronic bobbiest, my friend is the ag...

| We can make antenna impedance measurements using a variant of the oldfashioned Wheatstone bridge. This article shows the basic form of th...

| This article looks at instruments and methods that can be used by both harn operators and shortwave listeners to get the most out of an an...

| An attenuator ls a circult that reduces signal level, i.e., has an output signal level that is lower than the input signal level. In this r...

| M OST solid-state electronic circuits normally operate in a low voltage environment, and may be seriously harmed - even destroyed - in a...

| A dummy load is an artificial aerial that is used for making measurements and performing tests on radio transmitters without actually radia...

| Any time a device produces a resistance (or resistance change) as the transducible property for a measurement, we can use the Wheatstone...