B. Broussas (11)

| Here’s a project that could be useful this summer on the beach, to stop anyone touching your things left on your beach towel while you’ve go...

| Even though today’s electrical appliances are increasingly often self-powered, especially the portable ones you carry around when camping or...

| This project doesn’t use a microcontroller, nor even the slightest specialized integrated circuit (IC). In spite of this, it will look after...

| According to certain publications, the frequency emitted by the male mosquitoes is said to be around 20–25 kHz, and so within the realm of u...

| The first sensor a robot usually gets fitted with is an obstacle detector. It may take three different forms, depending on the type of obsta...

| Used a great deal in robotics, where it is a direct competitor for DC motors and radio-control servos, the stepper motor does however suffer...

| Although ultrasound is well suited to detecting distant objects, it is quite unusable for closer objects, i.e. when the detection distance c...

| There are currently three principal methods for the propulsion of a mobile robot: the modified radio-control servo, the stepper motor, and t...

| Quite simply, it’s a light-seeking robot — a sort of moth (on wheels) if you prefer, since, just like its counterpart in the living world, i...

| Driving the ‘small’ motors that may be used in robotics doesn’t usually pose much of a problem. Servo motors actually have their own drive e...