Using a Ethernet seeeduino and a wired network, it will get an ip address and display it on a OLED display. Using this address in a internet web browser it will display a red or green socket and enables you to change the relays state via a output pin 6. The graphics are done with html 5 SVG so the browser does all the work.

Using a Ethernet seeeduino and a wired network, it will get an ip address and display it on a OLED display. Using this address in a internet web browser it will display a red or green socket and enables you to change the relays state via a output pin 6. The graphics are done with html 5 SVG so the browser does all the work. The current state is saved in an eeprom so if the power is lost it will power back on in its last state. The sketch is the.doc file.

i have attached a new sketch with fixes for chrome, and a tweaked library to fix some errors when using version 1.6.3 sketch.