Module Bluetooth 4.0 XBEE

Module Bluetooth 4.0 XBEEFinally a module Bluetooth 4.0 BLE112 configured or to configure which has the format XBEE. I propose a PCB Do you want to configure it yourself ?
Module Bluetooth 4.0 XBEE
Finally a module Bluetooth 4.0 BLE112 configured or to configure which has the format XBEE. I propose a PCB Do you want to configure it yourself ? CC-DEBUGGER at 49$
Do you want a project of small USB module PIC to program the module Bluetooth BLE112 ?
Thank you
September 9th
The XBEE is to small for no industrial compagny. I propose a small PCB 28 mm * 46mm with the BL600. This because is very easy to implement.
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