Stop Anonymous Phone Calls / Pubbli Stop

Anonymous phone call reject circuit: Made for POTS analogic phone lines, this circuit analyses the Caller Identifier data (CLIP) sent between the two first call rings of incoming phone calls, rejecting any P (Private) or O (Out of area) calls types. Fully tested in Europe. No batteries required: It takes energy directly from the phone line, surging less than 1 mA.
Anonymous phone call reject circuit: Made for POTS analogic phone lines, this circuit analyses the Caller Identifier data (CLIP) sent between the two first call rings of incoming phone calls, rejecting any P (Private) or O (Out of area) calls types. Fully tested in Europe. No batteries required: It takes energy directly from the phone line, surging less than 1 mA. Full project is currently described in Italian on my website at I can translate it on request.
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