EasyPIC v7 development board released

MikroElektronika has brought out version 7 of the EasyPIC development board for PIC microcontrollers. Particular attention has been given to connectivity in the development of the new version, with four different connectors available for each port.
A unique feature of the new development board is the integrated mikroProg programmer and in-circuit debugger module, which enable device programming and code development for over 250 different types of Microchip PIC microcontrollers. Debugging is also supported for all MikroElektronica PIC compilers (mikroC, mikroBasic and MikroPascal). A variety of accessory boards are available for the EasyPIC development board, including Ethernet interface modules.
Port connectors, LEDs and pushbuttons are arranged in logical groups on the new board to make things easier for users. Tri-state DIP switches are also provided to simplify connecting pull-up or pull-down resistors. In response to user requests, the new version is again fitted with seven-segment displays. The EasyPIC development board supports a total of three displays: a graphic LCD with 128 x 64 resolution, a text LCD with two lines of 16 characters, and a four-digit seven-segment display.
EasyPIC v7 conforms to the microbus pinout standard and features several new modules, including serial EEPROM, a piezoelectric buzzer and ports for DS1820 and LM35 temperature sensors. The board has a dual power supply, which allows it to support both 3.3-V and 5-V microcontrollers.
Image: MikroElektronika
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