Real-time operating system cohabits with Windows on PC platforms

The TenAsys INtime real-time operating system allows embedded system developers to run multiple instances of the OS alongside Windows on the same multi-core processor platform. Release 4.0 allows supports this advanced functionality.
INtime software combines deterministic, hard real-time control with standard Windows operating systems, including Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows XP Embedded, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, without requiring additional hardware. INtime is specifically designed to take advantage of the powerful capabilities of the x86 processor architecture, so that real-time and non-real-time applications can run in separate virtual machines on a single computer to provide cost-effective, reliable control that is easy to develop and maintain.
Previously, embedded systems requiring multiple real-time OSs and Windows needed to employ multiple independent processor platforms. By consolidating multiple operating environments into one platform, embedded system suppliers can save cost and increase the scalability of processing power.
With INtime 4.0, developers don’t have to worry about mutual interference between several high-priority real-time processes. Time-critical processes can be configured to run on dedicated cores of a multi-core processor, fostering modular design of real-time systems without the burden of resolving priorities between deterministic processes. If processes running on separate cores need to signal one another, INtime 4.0 provides a reliable, deterministic way to do this with shared memory.
INtime 4.0 is a free upgrade for all INtime for Windows customers that are covered by an active TenAsys support contract. Requests for a fully functional evaluation copy of the INtime RTOS for Windows can be submitted on the TenAsys website.
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