News (6827)

| There is fresh socio-political ferment in the run-up to the presidential elections in Russia. The real challenge, however, is the uphill str...

| The exchange of threats between Iran and the West vis-à-vis Iranian oil exports to European and other consumer countries has received wide a...

| As far as the UK Government is concerned, the battle over onshore wind power is won. Wind farm capacity has been growing rapidly both on and...

| The Northwest European electricity markets are increasingly becoming intertwined with the advance of the internal market. This implies that...

| By focusing too much on the pros and cons of local shale gas production, Europe threatens to lose sight of the bigger gas market picture, ar...

| Poland has pinned its energy hopes for the future on a shale gas miracle. But this dream will not be easily to realize, observe Tim Boersma...

| There is widespread consensus that the transition to a "sustainable" energy economy requires the introduction on a large scale of "smart gri...

| Ever since December 27th, war clouds have been gathering over the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow body of water connecting the Persian Gulf wit...

| As part of a four-party project (with FEEM, the Loyola de Palacio Chair in Florence and Wilton Park) on a new EU Gas security of Supply Arch...

| The euro-area crisis dominates the economic news. Yet, the world and Europe may face even more important challenges that will shape our live...