| In March 2020, many people got stuck at home due to the corona virus. Because they now had so much time on their hands, Elektor decided to d...
| In March 2020, many people got stuck at home due to the corona virus. Because they now had so much time on their hands, Elektor decided to d...
| During lockdown many members of the Elektor community were forced to stay home. To pass time they have started or continued projects of all...
| The coronavirus crisis is affecting various segments of electronics industry in different ways. For instance, while global smartphone shipme...
| Elektor has been helping engineers with projects on its own online LABs platform for years. LABs is a place where a wonderful diversity of p...
| Join the Elektor Helps Projects Contest! [closed]
| In the middle of an autumn depression? Post a new project at Elektor Labs and earn a €25 gift certificate! It may not rid you of your depres...
| Post a new project and earn a €25 gift certificate!
| This week the Elektor Start-up Challenge took place at the Forum de l'Electronique in Paris, France. Nine hand-picked start-ups contested fo...
| To get us through the hot European summer of 2019 we asked you to show us your home lab by posting one or more photographs at Elektor Labs....
| The 2019 Summer Contest ends on August 31 at midnight CET, so you have about ten days left to post a picture of your home lab at the Elektor...