More about Elektor Labs (729)

by bera

| A car drives up to the closed gate, where a high-resolution camera reads its license plate. If it exists in the gatekeeper’s database, the g...

| When our aged Radio Shack remote temperature and humidity station finally failed, I decided to replace it with a system of my own design. Th...

| Processing of continuous signals or other real-time dependent data requires microcontrollers to treat these in exact intervals of time. The...

| The MAX232 RS-232 line driver IC is widely used in communication lines between different devices. Today, they connect RS-232 ports to the in...

| Explore the innovative technique of virtual masses, where signals don't pass through the switch, but the ground takes on the role of "Mute/D...

| There are many variants of tiny keyboards, pianos and organs based on 555-type oscillators, Arduino boards, and microcontrollers like the AT...

| Electrical convection and radiation heaters warm up the air in a relative short time but consume a lot of power. Here is a foot warmer that...

| You like to light incense sticks to enhance the ambience of your toilet, bed- or living room but without the aroma becoming overwhelming? Th...

| Optically adjusting the speed of a turntable with a stroboscope sounds easy, but has become complicated today. Here are stroboscope discs yo...

| If you have connected objects that rely on NTP servers for timekeeping and your internet connection goes down, your system may go down too....