More about Foreword (10)

| A quick word from our Editor in Chief for this special free e-dition of the Elektor Industry: "As I write this, the COVID-19 crisis conti...

| Recent breakthroughs in automotive electronics are making travel safer, more comfortable, and increasingly efficient. For example, auto manu...

| At 31 percent over the last five years, the rapid growth in the revenue attributed to additive manufacturing (AM) is likely due to improveme...

| Some revolutions seem to be bubbling under for ages – and then happen all of a sudden. 2016 was the year in which robots shook off their old...

| When my deputy editor Robert and I set out to scour copy for this edition of Elektor Business Magazine we had little trouble building a long...

| When my deputy editor Robert and I set out to scour copy for this edition of Elektor Business Magazine we had little trouble building a long...

| Even a cursory look at the brimming activity in the electronics industry field dubbed LED reveals a dynamic mix of manufacturers and supplie...

| Even a cursory look at the brimming activity in the electronics industry field dubbed LED reveals a dynamic mix of manufacturers and supplie...

| A few years ago IoT was a techno fledgling without a proper name and growing rather haphazardly. As the concept matured, many in the industr...

| Companies planning to get into the Internet of Things (IoT) through consumer products or production-related technologies should not believe...