post project 15: The Hypnotizer
September 06, 2013

Watching a single LED blink is potentially
hypnotizing, even if it blinks at a
fixed rate with a fixed duty cycle.
That’s promising for a set
of three LEDs flashing in
quasi random order with a
constantly varying duty
cycle. An out-of-body
experience? Nirvana?
Kobain? Maybe you just
fall asleep. Anyway, the
simple circuit presented
in this .POST article will
flash three LEDs in such a way
that you can look at them for hours
without ever getting bored.
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The sun always shines on TV, and circuits always work on paper! Unfortunately, in reality that’s not always the case. Knowledge and experience help when it comes to solve problems in the real world, and sometimes, as we will see, we can even exploit such issues to our advantage. For example, the circuit presented here doesn’t really behave as it should in (naive) theory.
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The sun always shines on TV, and circuits always work on paper! Unfortunately, in reality that’s not always the case. Knowledge and experience help when it comes to solve problems in the real world, and sometimes, as we will see, we can even exploit such issues to our advantage. For example, the circuit presented here doesn’t really behave as it should in (naive) theory.
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