Ton Giesberts (351)

| The indicator described here is specifically designed for adjusting the dynamic limiter described elsewhere in this edition and checking whe...

| This circuit is a revised version of the Audio Limiter published in the 2002 Summer Circuits edition, which is intended to limit the (possib...

| Why couldn’t you just connect two standard switch-mode power supplies in series to create a symmetrical power supply for a power amplifier?...

| The article 'Blinded by the Light?' in last the February 2010 edition showed that LED lamps didn’t exactly present a clean load to t...

| It’s not always easy to reverse a car. There are some good reasons why modern cars are often fitted with sensors that indicate when the rear...

| How can you find out how stable a lab or benchtop supply is? You can get a good impression of the stability of a power supply under various...

| Elektor Live! 2009 was almost there. In the weeks leading up to the event, Ton Giesberts was busy in the Elektor lab with designing, measuri...

| With personal PA systems there’s a fairly good chance of feedback howl. This occurs when the headset microphone picks up the sound from the...

| When the load of a power supply is not purely resistive but reactive, or worse, non linear, the current through the load may not have the sa...

| A minimum of parts is needed to turn a TDA7052 IC into a mini audio amplifier. Here's how.