Wolfgang Zeiller (19)

| This battery tester does the job properly by evaluating the battery state under loaded conditions. The project is easy to build and co...

| Although some of you will have a choice of over 50 TV programmes brought to you via satellite, instead of five or so less than two deca...

| Drying the washing in sunlight has a number of advantages compared with using a tumble dryer: it saves a lot of energy : the ultraviolet...

| Thee starting current of heavy-duty d.c. motors can be 3-8 times as high as the normal operating current, which puts a heavy load on the...

| There are often occasions when a higher direct voltage is required than an available battery can provide. In many such cases, the circuit...

| Portable CD players have anannoying drawback: their current drain is so high that even rechargeable NiCd batteries. let alone dry types,...

| The power off circuit ensures that the load is automatically removed from a battery. Itis particularly useful in cars, so that if the dri...

| With the arrival of matched transistors in a single package it seems that the quest for the zero-noise microphone preamplifier has receive...

| Overcharging of batteries is prevented by the timely switching off of the charger. A timer that can be set to within a minute can be bui...