Basics of DS18B20

In this project, I have interfaced DS18B20 Temperature Sensor with Arduino and designed a Digital Thermometer.
Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a really small project which I have designed here at my home and then I was searching this community so I thought to share it out here. It's my first project here so bear me out. :)
I have interfaced Arduino with temperature sensor DS18B20 and created a small Digital Thermometer. I have used these components in other to design this project.
Basics of DS18B20
DS18B20 is a one wire very precise and efficent temperature sensor. It can provide temperature accuracy up to four decimal point. I have also worked on other temperature sensors like LM35 and DHT11 but I have found DS18B20, best of all. It has only 3 Pins and we can also control multiple DS18B20 from single pin by calling respective address of slave sensors.
Components Used:
I have interfaced Arduino with temperature sensor DS18B20 and created a small Digital Thermometer. I have used these components in other to design this project.
Basics of DS18B20
DS18B20 is a one wire very precise and efficent temperature sensor. It can provide temperature accuracy up to four decimal point. I have also worked on other temperature sensors like LM35 and DHT11 but I have found DS18B20, best of all. It has only 3 Pins and we can also control multiple DS18B20 from single pin by calling respective address of slave sensors.
Components Used:
- Arduino UNO x 1
- DS18B20 x 1
- LCD (20x4) x 1
- LM7805 x 1
- Resistances.
- Capacitors.
Arduino Code for DS18B20:
I have used the below Arduino Code. This Arduino Code uses OneWire Library for DS18B20 and Crystal Liquid Library for LCD. I have displayed the values of atmospheric temperature on the LCD.
I have used the below Arduino Code. This Arduino Code uses OneWire Library for DS18B20 and Crystal Liquid Library for LCD. I have displayed the values of atmospheric temperature on the LCD.
- Here's the code:
#include #include #include #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2 OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 7, 6, 5, 4); void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“Welcome to TEP !!!”); Serial.println(“”); Serial.println(); sensors.begin(); lcd.begin(20, 4); lcd.setCursor(5,0); lcd.print(“Welcome to:”); lcd.setCursor(1,2); lcd.print(“www.TheEngineering”); lcd.setCursor(4,3); lcd.print(“”); delay(5000); } void loop(void) { sensors.requestTemperatures(); Serial.print(“Temperature : “); Serial.println(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)); //lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(“Temperature: “); lcd.print(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)); lcd.print(“C”); delay(1000); }
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