ESP32 Energy Meter: An Open-Source Solution for Real-Time Energy Monitoring
Explore the simplicity of energy monitoring with the ESP32 Energy Meter, featuring the ATM90E32AS chip. Perfect for anyone looking to track energy use accurately.
Introduction In the field of engineering, combining the right technologies can lead to significant advancements. This project aims to develop an energy meter using the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller and Microchip’s ATM90E32AS energy metering IC. The goal is straightforward: to create a reliable system for accurate energy measurement from your home or workshop’s main circuit box. This meter will enable users to track their power consumption in real time, offering insights that can lead to more efficient energy use.
If you want a deep dive into this project, this project has been published in the Elektor Mag. Following are the links to the editions where the project updates were reported.
1. Elektor 12/2023 on page 96
2. Elektor 1/2024 on page 6
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New Updates will be added from time to time, so stay tuned.
New Updates will be added from time to time, so stay tuned.
Components and Materials
- ESP32 Microcontroller: Chosen for its Wi-Fi capability and low-power consumption.
- ATM90E32AS Energy Metering IC: Provides precise energy measurement.
- OLED Display: For immediate data visualization, connected via I2C.
- Hi-Link Power Modules (HLK-5M05): Ensures galvanic isolation between high-voltage and control sides.
- ADuM3151 Digital Isolator (Analog Devices): Facilitates safe SPI communication.
- AMS1117-3.3 Regulators: For stable 3.3V power supply.
- Additional components: Fuses, MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor), resistors, capacitors, LEDs, and connectors.
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