Raspberry Pi simple PLC

Raspberry Pi simple PLC, an attempt to implement a simple PLC into a Raspberry Pi single-board computer.With a Raspberry Pi board and the aid of eight PCA9555 Port-Expanders the states of 64 inputs can be monitored and 64 outputs can be driven. The project provides also to add 4 GNUBLIN ADC-Modules ( 4 x 8 analog inputs).
Raspberry Pi simple PLC, an attempt to implement a simple PLC into a Raspberry Pi single-board computer.
With a Raspberry Pi board and the aid of eight PCA9555 Port-Expanders the states of 64 inputs can be monitored and 64 outputs can be driven. The project provides also to add 4 GNUBLIN ADC-Modules ( 4 x 8 analog inputs).
A ladder diagram editor is also included. This Ladder Diagram Editor is designed to allow you to easily prepare a PLC program by simply placing blocks. Ladder diagrams, which are in many ways similar to relay logic diagrams, are frequently used to graphically generate programs. When the instructions in the program are executed, the states of the inputs are monitored, depending on these states, various outputs are set either High or Low.
All functionality of the ladder diagram editor is available only under ubuntu. Other Linux distributions have not been tested.
With the Windows operating system, it is not possible to benefit from the online features.
Windows users can use a popular program named PuTTY to interact with the Raspberry Pi PLC.
Home site: https://www.dciux.eu/?q=content/rpisplc-rapsberry-pi-simple-plc
2015-10-05 Running light example posted.
Ladder Diagram running light example:
RPIPLC Hardware running light example:
Analog converter example:
Video: https://www.dciux.eu/sites/default/files/movie/potmeter.mp4
How to: https://www.dciux.eu/?q=content/analog-converter-example
8 inputs / 8 outputs example:
Video: https://www.dciux.eu/sites/default/files/movie/rpipclc.io.example.mp4
How to: https://www.dciux.eu/?q=content/rpiplc-inputoutput-example
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