Introduction letter

This is the first English edition of Elektor, a magazine that introduces a new way of presenting electronics. The Dutch edition of Elektor has been published for over 14 years and the German for over 4. Every month 120,000 copies find their way to readers ranging from enthusiastic amateurs to professional electronic engineers. Elektor`s dynamic and practical application of new electronic techniques has stimulated the ever-present curiosity and imagination of designers. Modern components, active and passive and especially cheap digital and linear integrated circuits, are used in practical designs. Many of the circuits are developed in our own laboratories, and circuit building is greatly facilitated by using the ready-made printed circuit boards we produce for the more important designs. The availability of components is always considered, and when new components are needed every effort is made to ensure that they can be obtained through the normal retail outlets. On the continent, this practice has led to a modernisation of the retail trade so that now several retailers tend to base their stocks on the information in Elektor publications. This is very good for those firms of course, but it is even better for Elektor readers; it makes available for them a more com
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