junior computer

5-08 — elektor may 1980 junior computer The cost and complexity of home computers is a serious deterrent to the newcomer to computer operating and programming. We know of many readers who would like to "build their own" but who lack the necassary technical knowledge. The Junior Computer has been designed (for just this reason) as an attempt to "open the door" to those readers who need a push in the right direction. It should be emphasized that, although simpte to construct, the Junior Computer is not a "toy" but a fully workable computer system with the capability for future expansion. It has been designed for use by amateurs or experts, and software to be published will include a PASCAL compiler — the computer language of the future. The purpose of this article is to give a genera) description of the operation and construction of the Junior Computer. It has been decided to publish a more detailed description in book form. The arrival of "The Junior Computer" Books 1 and 2 on ...
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