mini crescendo - high class medium power amplifier
mini crescendo - high class medium power amplifier
mini crescendo elektor may 1984 When we published the design for the "Crescendo" power amplifier in December 1982 it proved very popular with the audio enthusiasts among our readers. According to the reactions it was just what the doctor ordered: a real top hi-fi d.i.y. amplifier. The only criticism levelled against it was its price, thus the request for a lower power, lower price, version with the same quality. No sooner said than done! This slimmed down version of the Crescendo follows the exact same design practice, provides the same quality, produces 2 x 50 (70) watts, but costs less than half the price of its big brother. mini crescendo high class medium power amplifier There is no question that the Crescendo is a high-class amplifier but, of course, quality has its price. As d.i.y. amplifiers go it was not particularly cheap although it was much less expensive than a similar quality ready made unit. Furthermore a lot of people have little use for the Crescendo"s 2 x 140 watt...
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