RS232/V24: the signals - A look at all the signals recommended by this standard
RS232/V24: the signals - A look at all the signals recommended by this standard
The direct-coupled modem featured in last month"s issue of Elektor provides a new (for us) and very important application for the RS232/V24 norm. It is unlike any demands we have made of this protocol before as it makes use of a number of auxiliary control signals that have rarely been needed in Elektor circuits up to now. This means that they are less familiar to us than the normal signals. For that reason we decided to have a close look at the CCITT recommendation and along the way we will see why, when this is a serial "interface, so many lines are needed. RS232/V24: the signals elektor november 1984 The RS232/V24 standard is seen as the original serial interface. It was introduced to define a specific connection, namely that between terminals and modems. In the words of the CCITT (Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone) it is intended "for interchange between data-terminal equipment and data circuit-terminating equipment". To avoid becoming too "wordy...
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