valve amplifier - A 10 Watt hi-fi amplifier with just four valves
valve amplifier - A 10 Watt hi-fi amplifier with just four valves
valve amplifier elektor november 1984 valve amplifier A 10 Watt hi-fi amplifier with just four valves Of late there seems to be a renewed interest among audio enthusiasts for valves. Valve amplifiers are "in". Those in the know now say, as, indeed, they always have, that valves sound better than transistors. The fact that we have designed a valve amplifier does not necessarily mean that this is our opinion. Appreciation of sounds is, in any case, purely a personal matter so everybody simply has to decide what he personally prefers. That is now very easy, at least for anybody who builds this "good-old-fashioned" amplifier it is. 11-54 With the invention of the transistor, valves lost their "monopoly" as the active element in electronics. They have never com- pletely disappeared, however, and for many applications, especially where a lot of power has to be handled, they are Specifications nominal output power: 10 watt into 4, 8 or 16 ohm maximum output power: 12 watt harmonic distor...
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