electronic gas meter - monitors your central heating consumption
electronic gas meter - monitors your central heating consumption
Iwo Energy saving is rightly popular: it does not only save you money, it also makes our natural resources go further. The Government has for years been offering free advice to all and sundry on energy saving. And so have local authorities, and the regional gas and electricity boards. We felt that we, too, should contribute to these efforts and the result is described in these pages. The meter will make it possible for you to monitor the gas consumption of your central heating system, and the effects your saving measures have on this, from your armchair. electronic gasmeter elektor november 1984 electronic gas meter The circuit is intended for systems with the usual control, that is, the boiler is on or off. When it is on, the gas consumption is constant and can be read off the gas board meter. It is, therefore, quite easy by measuring the cumulative time the boiler is on to calculate how many therms of gas have been burnt in that period. Since the price per therm is known (from y...
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