VFD-tube Clock with ESP32
with an accurate Internet-derived time

Clocks built using vintage components are currently very popular. Most designs are based on a real-time clock, synchronized via radio time servers or GPS. The VFD clock described here uses an NTP server on the Internet to keep the time synchronized.
Component list
Component List
Main Board
R1–R4 = 100Ohm
R5 = 33 Ohm
R6 = 2.2kOhm
R7 = 3.3kOhm
R8–R16 = 4.7kOhm
R17 = 10kOhm
R18,R19,R20 = 27kOhm
R21–R24 = 100kOhm
R25 = 220kOhm
P1 = 4.7kOhm preset (CB10LV472M)
P2 = 47kOhm preset (CB10LV473M)
C1 = 330pF, NP0
C2,C3 = 10nF
C4 = 4.7μF 100V, radial, low ESR
C5 = 100μF radial
C6,C7,C8 = 220μF, radial, low ESR
D1,D2 = 1N400x
D3 = MUR160G
D4 = 1N5819
D5 = 1N5347BG
T1 = BC547B
T2 = IPP200N15N3 G
T3–T9 = 2N7000
IC1 = PTH08080WAH
IC2 = ICM7555
IC3 = HV518P-G
IC4 = Würth type 173010578, 5V stepdown regulator
IC5 = DS18B20 (optional, not on the board)
MOD1 = ESP32-DevKitC + 2x20-pin pinheader
L1 = 47μH, 1.2A, 0.067Ohm, radial, ELC08D470E
F1 = polyfuse 0.5A, 60R050XPR
K1,K2,K3 = 10-pin pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch (2x5)
K4,K5 = 2-wayPCB screw terminal block, 5mm pitch
K6 = right-angled 3-way wire-to-board connector (Würth 61900319521) + female connector (optional)
K7 = right-angled 4-way wire-to-board connector (Würth 61900419521)
K8 = 4-way bus strip, 0.1’’ pitch
1 x SPST/NO pushbutton
1 x coaxial DC power connector 5.5/2.1mm (PC-010 TME)
red and black connecting wire
Display Board
R1,R2 = 3.3Ohm *
R3A,R4A,R3B,R4B = 100kOhm *
TU1–TU6 = IV-22 (Russian)
TU7,TU8 = DM160 or equivalent / IV-15 (Russian) *
K1,K2,K3 = right-angled pinheader 0.1’’ pitch
72 pcs tube socket pin 1mm
heatshrink sleeving, diameter 1.6mm 1:2 ratio
heatshrink sleeving, diameter 6mm 1:2 ratio
2 x (half) fuse holder 5x20 mm (Farnell 1866099)
Mechanical parts
2 x aluminum standoffs, round, 4.5x14mm (Ettinger 05.72.148)
2 x standoff, 15mm M3 F/F
4 x bolt M3x6 countersunk, steel, pozidriv DIN 7985A
8 x nylon bush M3
* see text
RGB Background Lighting Board
R1–R18 = 330 Ohm
D1–D6 = RGB-LED 5 mm, common anode (eBay)
K1 = 4-pin pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
white, red, green and blue connecting wire + extra pinheader
heatshrink sleeving, 3.2mm 1:2 ratio
Main Board
R1–R4 = 100Ohm
R5 = 33 Ohm
R6 = 2.2kOhm
R7 = 3.3kOhm
R8–R16 = 4.7kOhm
R17 = 10kOhm
R18,R19,R20 = 27kOhm
R21–R24 = 100kOhm
R25 = 220kOhm
P1 = 4.7kOhm preset (CB10LV472M)
P2 = 47kOhm preset (CB10LV473M)
C1 = 330pF, NP0
C2,C3 = 10nF
C4 = 4.7μF 100V, radial, low ESR
C5 = 100μF radial
C6,C7,C8 = 220μF, radial, low ESR
D1,D2 = 1N400x
D3 = MUR160G
D4 = 1N5819
D5 = 1N5347BG
T1 = BC547B
T2 = IPP200N15N3 G
T3–T9 = 2N7000
IC1 = PTH08080WAH
IC2 = ICM7555
IC3 = HV518P-G
IC4 = Würth type 173010578, 5V stepdown regulator
IC5 = DS18B20 (optional, not on the board)
MOD1 = ESP32-DevKitC + 2x20-pin pinheader
L1 = 47μH, 1.2A, 0.067Ohm, radial, ELC08D470E
F1 = polyfuse 0.5A, 60R050XPR
K1,K2,K3 = 10-pin pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch (2x5)
K4,K5 = 2-wayPCB screw terminal block, 5mm pitch
K6 = right-angled 3-way wire-to-board connector (Würth 61900319521) + female connector (optional)
K7 = right-angled 4-way wire-to-board connector (Würth 61900419521)
K8 = 4-way bus strip, 0.1’’ pitch
1 x SPST/NO pushbutton
1 x coaxial DC power connector 5.5/2.1mm (PC-010 TME)
red and black connecting wire
Display Board
R1,R2 = 3.3Ohm *
R3A,R4A,R3B,R4B = 100kOhm *
TU1–TU6 = IV-22 (Russian)
TU7,TU8 = DM160 or equivalent / IV-15 (Russian) *
K1,K2,K3 = right-angled pinheader 0.1’’ pitch
72 pcs tube socket pin 1mm
heatshrink sleeving, diameter 1.6mm 1:2 ratio
heatshrink sleeving, diameter 6mm 1:2 ratio
2 x (half) fuse holder 5x20 mm (Farnell 1866099)
Mechanical parts
2 x aluminum standoffs, round, 4.5x14mm (Ettinger 05.72.148)
2 x standoff, 15mm M3 F/F
4 x bolt M3x6 countersunk, steel, pozidriv DIN 7985A
8 x nylon bush M3
* see text
RGB Background Lighting Board
R1–R18 = 330 Ohm
D1–D6 = RGB-LED 5 mm, common anode (eBay)
K1 = 4-pin pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
white, red, green and blue connecting wire + extra pinheader
heatshrink sleeving, 3.2mm 1:2 ratio
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