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Want to save money while extending the life of your electronic equipment? Repair your own tools and equipment! From mastering essential tool...

Do you have a need to find faulty capacitors? High ESR can lead to problems. Back in 2002, Elektor published an article about a DIY in-circu...

The Fnirsi S1 multimeter features a large color display and is also smart, meaning that it detects whether a DC voltage, an AC voltage or a...

In the March/April edition of Elektor Mag, we dive into numerous embedded projects and AI-related topics, including ML with the Jetson Nano,...

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by Vir

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| [Partner Content] Cost-sensitive development platform helps students, beginners and seasoned designers work with emerging technologies.

| Solid-state relays, also known as SSRs, are widely available on the market, for any voltage or current rating. Why make one, then? Because i...