Cloc 2.0
The Alarm Clock You've Always Wanted

Clocks are probably one of the most popular topics in DIY electronics, together with radio receivers. I wouldn’t be surprised if every reader of this article has built a clock at least once. I have built a lot of clocks in my life, and many had alarm functions. Because of this, I know what I want from an alarm clock. As my ideal alarm clock is not available commercially, I built it myself. Cloc 2.0, presented here, is the result.
Component list
Component List
[Illustration 220564-009-94]
[Illustration 220564-010-94]
R1 = 47 kΩ
R2 = 820 Ω
R3, R4, R8 = 330 Ω
R5 = 22 Ω
R6, R7, R9 = 10 kΩ
C1 = 100 µF, 16 V
C2, C3, C6 = 100 nF
C4 = 220 µF, 16 V
C5 = 47 µF, 16 V
C7 = 1 µF, 16 V
D1 = 1N5817
IC1 = MAX7219
IC2 = TSOP34338
LED1 = blue, 3 mm
LED2 = orange, 3 mm
LED3 = red, 3 mm
LED4 = TSAL6400, IR LED, 5 mm
LED5-12 = 7-segment digit 0.56”, CC (e.g. SC56-11EWA)
T1 = BC337
BUZ1 = Piezo buzzer without oscillator, 12 mm, 3.3 V
K1 = Pinheader 1x4
K2 = Pinheader 1x6
K3 = Barrel jack
S1, S2 = Tactile switch 6x6 mm
PCB 220465-1
Enclosure Hammond 1591CTDR (translucent red)
DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) module
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